Friday, December 21, 2007

Couldn't be happier...

Hello from Minneapolis!!!! We are so thrilled to be here...I was in tears coming into New York. Since our last post we traveled over 30 hours to arrive in Minneapolis just before midnight last night. It was a long couple of days (or should I say a long month) but so worth it now. We were close to not making it home at all (or at least I was close....when we boarded the plane they pulled me off because I was not supposed to have an electronic ticket for Brady - apparently a paper ticket is needed for infants traveling abroad on Aeroflot. So they took my passport and me off the plane and told me they were not sure that I'd be able to fly and when we asked if I could take one of the kids with me they said no! So - Ryan nervously waited with two children under three on the plane - luckily I made it a couple minutes within takeoff but was very anxiety provoking). Traveling internationally with a one-year-old and two-year-old is not something we'd highly recommend however we were very proud of how well they behaved (most of the time). We spent our last day in Moscow at the US Embassy (an absolute breeze) and preparing for travel. The plane rides went overall well - neither kid slept more than 4 hours on the 10 hour flight to JFK but they did fairly well. We felt badly for the couple a few rows ahead of us with an adopted two year old boy who screamed the entire flight. I slept last night for 7 hours in a row for the first time since leaving home...I feel so great. We are going to spend the next few days finishing our Christmas shopping and enjoying our Christmas with family before heading home on the 26th...where I think we'll stay for a while. Thanks so much for all of your support and kind comments during our journey to Russia. We will post some pics again soon.


Shane & Marie said...

Yeah you are home. I have been waiting patiently for an update to know you arrived safe. I can't believe they pulled you off and weren't going to let you board?!? I will make a mental note of that for the future. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

Anonymous said...

Hey we are so excited for you to be home!! Cant wait to see you and our new cousin Brady!

Tracy said...

We're so happy for you. We saw you going through the passport line at the airport and thought, what a special time for you and your family. I was going to take a picture and email it to you, but I don't know you well enough to know if this would have been "ok" for us to do :).

Troy and Rachel said...

YAY!! I'm glad you are home. That must have been scary when they pulled you off the plane. Glad you can enjoy the holidays at home!!