Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today we met Brady for the first time! It is so odd how it feels like only weeks ago but a lifetime that we have known him. In honor of this day I thought I'd repost what I wrote a year ago after meeting our son:

Our Little Man...
Our little man...we met him yesterday for the first time - it is still so surreal for us. So...a brief overview of our very exciting day: We were brought to the orphanage around 11am. Walking up was a little eye-opening. The orphanage is set amongst many very run-down apartments with a couple old, run down slides and graffitti on the walls. Walking into the orphanage is this immidiate feeling that everyone there is working so hard for these kids, every doctor and caregiver took as much time with us as we wanted. When we arrived we spent about one hour talking with the doctor, reviewing his social and medical history. A few concerns were discussed and then we were brought to a play room. I don't think I will ever forget the moment that occurred next. I was talking to one of our social workers when I saw her jaw drop. I turned around and in came walking this very cute, very small little boy...our little man. He is just adorable!! Ryan and I both gasped. It was a great moment. He is much smaller than we expected - he looks similar to many of the 9 month old children we know - both in weight and height. This was initially a concern however he appears to be doing well in so many other ways. We played for about 2 hours in a few different rooms. We also spent 30 minutes watching him have a session with a speech pathologist! He was able to complete all the tasks she asked of him, picking up blocks and stacking them, etc. During our play time there were a few times when he would put his arms out and run at me, giving me a hug!! Talk about pulling at your heart strings. He sat on both my lap and Ryan's (although he had never been around a man before). We gave him a blue teddy bear and a soft picture book with pictures of our family - he held onto those for dear life. We got to bring him into his crib for naptime and we then left for a couple hours and returned in the evening. He was just as cute and cuddly when we returned. As it neared bedtime he snuggled in my lap with his teddy bear for about 15 minutes. It was such a great day!!So this morning (9am here) we are getting ready to go to the Ministry of Education to register some paperwork and name him!!!! We will be going back to the orphanage and then will be leaving for Moscow around 6pm tonight for another long 14 hour train ride. I think this ride will be so much more difficult because we are leaving him behind although we are also looking forward to seeing our daughter - and other familiar faces! Once we get to Moscow we have to do our 8 Doctor Medical (yep - that's right - we each have to meet with 8 doctors who speak Russian...looking forward to that!) We then will spend tomorrow night in Moscow (where I will post again) before heading home.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged...

I was tagged by Rachel - with a request to name six random things about me. So here it is:

1. Although deathly afraid of heights I went sky diving with my oldest friend (Jody) in Tulsa - and loved it (and yes I have the video for proof).

2. I was in a horrible car accident in my old car-a Ford Festiva (yes those tiny little things) - in the cars behind me were a nurse, therapist and two off-duty police officers - how lucky is that? I have since had back surgery due to the accident.

3. I LOVE garlic - it is in just about everything I make and have been to the Garlic Capital of the World in CA.

4. When giving birth to our sweet lady she turned her little butt around in my birth canal (after going through labor and dialated all the way to 10) - a very rare but I'm told nearly fatal event.

5. The first time I met my husband was when I interiewed him for a job!

6. If it were not emotionally and finnancially draining I would love to head back to Russia for another child.

thanks for the tag Rachel - I know so many people have been tagged now so if you'd like to share six random things, consider yourself tagged :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I know, I know....

I know, I know - it has been a little while. Thanks Rachel for the nice email that in your sweet way got me off my tush and typin again :)

So - What's New? Here's the short version:

*Two weeks ago we had Brady babtized (pictures above)- it went really well with my brother and sister-in-law as Godparents

*We have started a new daycare and the kids have been there between two-three days a week while Ryan works. I am back to work full-time and Ryan is working two-three weekdsays and every weekend - saves money on daycare and allows us to spend more time with the kiddos.

*Allie has been in gymnastics one night a week and both kids have been doing ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) one night a week with me. This is keeping us busy but the kids are loving the extra activities.

*Brady is talking a ton now....especially the word "WHY". We had him assessed for speech but now he appears to be just about on target for his age...YEAH :)

*Brady will be joining a toddler group on Fridays to work with an OT and speech therapist through our school district's early childhood special ed. department. We are thinking this will continue to strengthen his skills.

*Brady continues to height e is but not in weight. He is a VERY busy little boy and thus burns off every little calorie - were still trying though with extra oil, pepporoni and penut butter at every meal...what I would do for that problem...

That's about it for now - sorry for the delay in posting - I promise to do better! Hope all is well with all of you.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Camper

We headed further North to the Gunflint Trail (that little Northeastern tip of Minnesota) for Brady's first cabin adventrure. He absolutely loved it. He adores being outside. Brady caught his first fish, swam and hiked.

This upcoming week will be my last before returning to work full time. We are checking out at least one new daycare for the upcoming school year. I am dreading bringing the kids to a new daycare and it's difficult to find one that accomodates our schedules. We had brought the kids to a daycare center but we decided against that now as it appears to be too similar to the orphanage in some ways and Brady has cried most of the time when there.

Leaving with a few pics from our trip...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Brady turned two recently and while we did not have a large party for him we celbrated with gifts, cake and a day at the pool with a few family members. He loved it and is loving playing with his new trains and car mat. We are doing very well, it appears my position will remain with another agency.
Brady talks more every day. We had enrolled him in speech therapy but doubt now that he will need it. We estimate he has picked up a couple dozen more words in the last couple weeks and he is talking all the time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Ryan & First Boat Ride

So sorry for the delay in posting (again )! Since our last post our lives continue to be fairly eventful including my own (Amy's) layoff (the agency is shutting down)!! In case your thinking you've seen this post before - you have... this is one year following Ryan's layoff. I have been in my position for seven years (with the agency for 11) and was very saddened to hear this news. Fortunately, I work within a very supportive school district and county who are working toward maintaining my position with another agency. I will know more next week but remain cautiously optimistic.

Brady is doing very well. He seems to have picked up another couple dozen words since our last post and is now quite the chatterbox. We have a doctor appointment next week and while I am unsure if he has gained weight he does appear to be taller. We do not yet have an answer for the resistance to gain weight but all tests have prooved negative and doctors continue to feel he is otherwise healthy.

We recently celebrated Ryan's birthday. We made him a fish cake and took Brady on his first boat ride (which he of course loved). We will be celebrating Brady's 2nd birthday this week and will be sure to post more then.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Still Scratchin Our Heads

Thank you for all the support and comments since our last update. It is appreciated so much. Brady's pediatrician calls him a "puzzle". We are on a waiting list to see a specialist but addittional testing (including that for Celieac disease) turned out nothing abnormal. We are happy that he is a happy child and have faith that we will at some point have an answer as we continue with bi-weekly appointments.

We are finally enjoying some great weather up here and I am looking forward to the summer months with the kids. Today we broke out a t-ball set and Brady loved it. Funny though because he uses the bat as a hockey stick. When we were at the orphange he played with the hockey sticks the whole time and it is the only thing he will watch on tv. Mabcy a sign of things to come. I leave with some pictures and a wish for a very enjoyable Memorial day!

Friday, May 9, 2008


So - let me start with an "I'm Sorry" for not posting sooner. I know I have some explaining to do (see below) but I want to say that we have purposely kept some of the things we have been struggling with from this blog as we wanted to have some answers first and have struggled to talk about it with even those closest to us.

A few weeks ago we took Brady in to meet with his pediatrician as he was (and still is) to be frank - pooping...a lot - literally 6-10 times a day - really, every time after he eats. We ran a lot more tests and then had one of those doctor and patient moments you see on tv (where the doctor says he needs to tell you something and sits behind a desk). Initially it appeared that Brady had Cystic Fibrosis - very scarey since we had not of course been treating this. We went to Fargo to have some testing done for a couple days and then had some other bloodwork tested at the Mayo clinic in addittion to our clinic here. We were talked to by doctors and specialists about what this may mean - including discussions about how long we should expect him to live! This was clearly very difficult for us - we relived a time in our lives when we were told our daugthter may not make it only days after her birth. It was a very emotional month and I am very happy to say we now have the test results and they are negative. Unfortunately however we still have no answers about why Brady is LOOSING weight! This has been troubling to our pediatrican and of course to us as he is now only 19 pounds at almost two - almost 2 pounds lighter since we brought him home! He is eating, we cook him seperate meals that are full of fat and protein but have had no luck. We were back into the clinic a couple of days ago and they are doing another round of tests (some of them for the third time). Our poor little man doesn't even flinch anymore when they bring that needle out.

So - that is our Brady update (medically anyway). He is otherwise well -a very happy little guy full of energy. I promise to update the blog more often. Until recently I could hardly talk about this without breaking down and sobbing. I knew once we posted this we opened ourselves up to questions and I have struggled to make it though a workday so did not feel I could quite handle that.

Monday, April 7, 2008

April showers bring...

Two Feet of SNOW!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Husband the Beauty Consultant

I just had to post these. I came home from work the other night to discover my wonderful husband had "attempted" a haircut on our poor little man. Here are pictures of the result. Needless to say - Brady is now a baldy!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!

We had a quiet Easter at home. With our abundance of snow we decided to stay home this Easter. We spent the weekend making a "Easter Bunny Snowman", having an indoor egg hunt and brunch with friends. Hope you all enjoyed your Easter!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More Updates and Prayer Request...

So many wonderful people are heading to Russia to meet or bring home their children. I feel really fortunate to have met so many great individuals through blogging, emails and the occassional phone call. I wanted to ask for your prayers for one of these fellow adoptees - Randy and Susan. They are supposed to go to court very soon to bring their little boy home but one small piece of paper may hold them from it. You can read their story at

Brady is continuing to do well. He has not gained any weight yet which is still a concern but as he is so incredibly busy I feel he is just burning it right off (what I wouldn't do for that problem). We cook him seperate meals, put him back on formula, etc. but nothing seems to be working. He has however grown two inches since coming home. I promise to post more pictures and an update soon.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Wow, am I a bad blogger. It has been a while since my last post so here is what's new in our world.

Brady continues to be adjusting well. He and Allison appear to be loving being brother and sister very much. We certainly have many of the moments of any parent of two toddlers and take the good with the ummm...not so good.

Good things: Ryan is enjoying his new job, the kids get along SO well and love each other (they give hugs and kisses every night), Brady has been sleeping better and his rash is GONE (Thank You Prescription Hydrocortizone!), Allie and I are going to Disney on Ice (Finding Nemo) this weekend (can't wait), we now know that our kids will have two new cousins within the next year (we each have a brother with a pregnant wife...yeah!!), we have many pre-adoptive friends going to bring their children home or meet them for the first time (Congrats Patti & Matt, Norm & Carire, Carrie & Micheal, Troy & Rachel).

There are certainly "other" things going on in our lives. When we started this blog to track our adoption journey we intended on keeping it fairly positive. For now I am going to stick to that with a promise to post an update with other changes and things soon.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008


No, I'm not really going to voice my political opinions here but thought I'd share this cool site. It takes you to a quiz which matches you with the canidate most likely to advocate for your own views and beliefs. Pretty cool. I took it and it matched my two top picks for president.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Days!

Seven Months ago I posted about our frustrations in waiting and the sad stats in orphanages accross Russia.

Three Months ago I posted pictures from our first trip.

Two Months ago on November 30th I wrote the post "Officially Ours".

One Month ago I wrote the post "There's No Place Like Home".

A common question we hear now is, "would you do it again?" Yes - we love our new son, of course. Will we do this again? Doubtful. While we would love t0 think that someday we would go back and bring home another beautiful child, the finnacial and emotional drain is more than we could bare.

So...while on this blog you will never again read about the excitement of our journey with two children under 3 accross the world, that is not why we started this. The reason for titling this post "Happy Days" is because I swore that when we got Brady home I would not take our children and our time together for granted. I LOVE being a mom but somedays it is honestly not on my top list things to do to play dolls or roll matchbox cars accross the floor repeatedly. Amongst the large midst of junk emails I opened today, I found one that brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of that overwhelming feeling I had throughout the adoption process: a reminder to love and hold these children of ours. The email below was said to be written by a police officer whose daughter is dying of brain cancer.

*Just for this morning, I am going to step over the
laundry, and pick you up and take you to the
park to play.

*Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in
the sink, and let you teach me how to put that
puzzle of yours together.

*Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the
telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with
you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

*Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not
even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine
for the ice cream truck and I will buy you one
if he comes by.

*Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about
what you are going to be when you grow up, or
second guess every decision I have made where
you are concerned.

*Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me
bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying
to fix them.

*Just for this afternoon, I will take us to
McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so
you can have both toys.

*Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms
and tell you a story about how you were born
and how much I love you.

*Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the
tub and not get angry.

*Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late
while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

*Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you
for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

*Just for this evening when I run my finger
through your hair as you pray, I will simply be
grateful that GOD has given me the greatest gift
ever given.

*I will think about the mothers and fathers who
are searching for their missing children, the
mothers and fathers who are visiting their
children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and
mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms
watching their children suffer senselessly, and
screaming inside that they can't handle it

*And when I kiss you good night I will hold you
a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will
thank GOD for you, and ask Him for nothing,
except one more day.............

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sleepdeprivation and other updates!

Brady had two doctors appointments this week. One with his regular pediatrician and another with a dermatologist about his rash. Ryan ventured out with both kids and I am happy to report is still alive. While with the pediatrician Allie had to "go potty" (she really has to go only when the attention is on her brother). The Dr. told Ryan to go ahead and take her and he would stay with Brady. Well , apparently that did not go so well and our pediatrician had a little refresher course on the importance of forming attachments - Brady screamed his little head off, refusing to let the doc anywhere near him. Poor thing!

So - the stats are he gained a whole 5 ounces...better than nothin, right?!? The Dr. wants us to continue feeding him Pediasure and seperate, more fatty meals as he's still not close to being on the charts. Both he and the dermatologist feel his rashes are from an extreme case of eczema. I've been questioning it because it's SO bad - he still wakes up scratching like crazy and breaks out after eating. His body looks like it's covered in chicken pox. today to fill more prescriptions. Brady is continuing to wake numerous times throughout the night - typically 9 - 12 times a night - once or twice an hour. It has made for some long days.

We had Brady's first professional pics taken last weekend - they turned out very cute and both kids did really well - will post them when I have them back. I also completed a photobook through shutterfly called "Bringing Home Brady: From Russia with Love" (if interested you can see it at Just copy and paste this click on "View Photo Book" and then "Slideshow").

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Were once again reminded how fortunate we are to be here. Sitting here in our cozy northern MN home with temps at the moment of -22 (yep...that's 22 BELOW 0) I ran accross an article on the "big chill" going through Russia:

Russians are bracing for temperatures of as low as minus 55 degrees Celsius (minus 67 degrees Fahrenheit) in Siberia as Russia's emergencies ministry warns on Wednesday of its impending dangers in the coming weeks. Government agencies were placed on high alert, reports AFP. The ministry ordered local administration officials to prepare for the extreme chill expected to last until Jan. 21. The ministry warned that the unusually cold weather could kill, cause frost-bite, conk heaters and cut electricity to homes, disrupt transport, increase the rate of car accidents and even destroy buildings across Siberia.

A side reason for posting this is I know a few of our readers are waiting to go over anytime - better pack the long undies!! We keep thinking of the large homeless population we wittnessed in our region and pray somehow they (and others) find warmth.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Scratchin Our Heads...

So - the results of any parasites in Brady's system is negative. A good thing but now were faced wondering what is going on. He has actually LOST a pound since we took him from the orphanage...not good for a 19 pound 18 month old! He is eating a ton plus we have him back on a small amount of formula a day and Pediasure in addittion to whole milk. His allergy rash is worse then we've ever seen it. Our pediatrician is pretty concerned and got us into a dermatologist in record time next week. We will also be meeting with him next week. He seems happy but continues to get up a lot at night and seems pretty bothered by his rash (scratching exposed rashes till it bleeds!!). Poor thing! We have tried tracking the foods, eliminating milk products, etc. and can't figure it out...either can the doctors. Hopefully we will have some answers next week.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess!

Allison celebrated her third birthday yesterday with a beautiful princess party. Her grandma and grandpa came as did five friends for a party filled with nail painting, dress up and finger sandwiches. Thanks to my friend Jody she had a beautiful princess dress to celebrate in. Brady was a little overwhelmed with all the "girly" events (he really is ALL boy) but did well. Coming home just before Christmas and birthdays, I wonder if he thinks life here is all about presents.

We are finally starting to feel like we are settling in, Brady seems happy here and to be adjusting well. His sleeping is starting to improve (only waking up 2-3 times instead of 8-9 each night) although one of us still has to sleep in his room at night. He had another pediatrician appt. last week which we were happy to discover that all blood tests proved negative for HIV, hepatitis A, B, C, syphylis, etc. (we had most of these tests in Russia but it was nice to get confirmation in the states). Unfortunately not one ounce was gained despite the fact that he has gone back on formula, pediasure and whole milk. He has actually lost a pound since leaving the orphanage so this is a concern of ours and our pediatrician. They are looking into parasites that may be keeping him from gaining weight.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More Exciting News!

Today Ryan was offered (and accepted) a position with a local police department! We are very excited, the position is part time during the school year, full time during the summer months...the ideal schedule for our family as he will be home most days with the kids and working part time nights and weekends. So many people have commented about how things have fallen into place for us recently especially despite a couple of difficult years in our recent past. We couldn't agree more.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back to work...

Yesterday I started back to work. Leaving both kids was difficult - especially with Brady clinging to my every move as I tried to get ready. Allie cried that she wanted me to stay home. They did great with Ryan though and I am so thankful he is able to stay home with them for a while. Routine and structure are good although I hate thinking about all that I am missing while I am away. When Allie was small she was in daycare 40 plus hours a week - it killed me to pick her up and hear that she had been walking, talking, etc. I am sure I will feel the same way with Brady eventually also but am thankful that for now he is home with Ryan and that I am no longer in class two - three nights a week after a long day. Ryan is preparing for upcoming job interviews now that we are home (he had to turn down a few because we were in Russia). It is likely that with his new line of work he will be working evening and weekend hours, which we are actually happy with so as to avoid the whole daycare scene...or at keep the hours in daycare to a minimum.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy, Happy New Year!!

We had an extremely low key new years eve - I didn't even make it until 10pm while my wonderful hubbie stayed awake with a sick child till 1am and I got up with him again at 5am....kind of the way it has gone the past few nights. We had some friends over in the afternoon to go sledding and then stayed in.

We are so ready for 2008...bring it on! Looking back at 2007, we are ready for a new year. For us 2007 really helped us to grow and create a stronger family but we are ready for a fresh start to a new year. 2007 included of course the long road to our adoption, Ryan's lay off and job search, my completion of graduate coursework, Ryan's law enforcement training away from home, the death of my grandmother and of course two trips to Russia. It was also the year we brought home our son, Allie caught her first fish, the sell of our old home and our first summer in our new home. We are looking forward to 2008 - with resolutions to spend more time with family and friends (gone are the days I have resolved to lose 10 pounds or stay organized...Russia put things in a different perspective). Happy New Year to all of you and thanks for all of your comments and support in 2007!