Thursday, July 9, 2009

So...want an update?

Rumor has it a few of you still check back to this blog so I dusted off some cobwebs and am finally back to update and hopefully get reconnected with a few fellow adoptees. First, a Brady update:

At a recent Dr. visit Brady's height measured in the 50th percentile and weighed in the 7th percentile (an improvement since a year ago he was barely on the charts). He is a healthy little man who apparently has a metabolism I would love!

He had received speech and OT services through the school district but only is in need of occassional speech services now - he is talking up a storm!

Brady's rash is nearly gone (you may recall he had a rash all over his body when we came home).

We are no longer considering him lactose intolerant...he loves cheese and tolerates it well

He is in love with the outdoors - so much that we are putting up a fence as he also likes to run and sometimes a bit too far.

We have some of course challenges also - Brady still wakes up with nightmares and struggles in larger settings which often overstimulate him. We have tried him in small group activities like swimming lessons and gymnastics but he appears not quite ready for those yet. Overall he is doing very well and we cannot imagine our lives without him.

At the moment both Brady and his sister are extremely excited about our largest family change...a new baby! We are expecting our third little one in September!

I am due in late September although the doctors feel it may be earlier (I am measuring well ahead of schedule...1o weeks ahead). We are thrilled and cannot wait to welcome our third child! This is partially the reason for the delayed post (after so many pregnancy complications the first time around we wanted to wait). So please forgive the lack of posts and I will do my best to be better at it. Hope all is well with all of you!


Becky and Keith said...

Hey Amy!! CONGRATULATIONS! I am one of those people stalking your blog, looking for an update. :-) I'm so glad to hear everything is going so wonderfully. Brady looks absolutely wonderful. Love the update and can't wait to hear more!

Troy and Rachel said...

I still stalk your blog also and am thrilled to see this update! Congrats on the third baby on the way!! Brady looks adorable as usual - so glad he is doing well and measuring on those charts now!

Keep blogging!!

Patti said...

Hi Amy, congratulations! I can understand the lack of posts. It is so good to hear how Brady is doing. He sounds like an energetic, healthy little boy. We have some similar issues with Alex as well: nightmares, overstimulation, but no special services at this point for him. Thank you for updating us all!

Carey and Norman said...

Congratulations! So excited to hear the wonderful news. I'm excited to hear more about your pregnancy (are you having a boy or girl?).

Glad Brady is doing so well too. I think our children change so much in the first year home. It is funny how you don't see the progress the first few months and then all of a sudden, the changes have occurred and you didn't even realize it all happened. So glad things are going so well for you and so excited to see an update!

Shane & Marie said...

I too stalk your blog waiting for an update! Congrats!!! A third child, how exciting. It sounds like Brady is doing well and is such a doll! I hope to hear more from you.

Dede said...

Congrats on the baby news! Sounds like Brady is doing great. Keep up the good work and keep us posted!

Tiger & Kar said...

CONGRATS!!!! and welcome back! I do check in from time to time to see how Brady is doing. So happy for your entire family!


Michael, Carrie, and S said...

It is great to hear that Brady is doing so well!! Congratulations on the new baby!! So exciting!

Mama Fish said...

Congratulations Amy! That is exciting news! It is also so good to hear how well Brady is doing with his growth and his speech! Yay!